What To Bring Along For Your Fishing Tour In Victoria, BC

What To Bring Along For Your Fishing Tour In Victoria, BC

Countdown to your exciting fishing tour in Victoria, BC is on, but hold onto your line! While anticipating your excursion, there are a few things you should do to prepare. It's important that you arrive hassle-free, fresh and ready without having to rush around and prepare the night before.


When travelling, be sure to bring your passport and/or identification document. Make sure you have applied for and packed your saltwater fishing tidal water sporting license. This is mandatory and needs to be done in advance. Non-residents who wish to fish and retain halibut must purchase an electronic licence from a Canadian vendor. If you have booked accommodation, be sure to save your booking reference and keep it easily accessible.


Your top choice for fishing trips is layered clothing that is insulating and dries quickly. Be sure to pack a windbreaker, rainwear and additional dry clothes. Don't forget to pack polarized sunglasses, gloves, caps, and rubber-soled sneakers. It wouldn't hurt to have a towel or two on hand either. There's a good chance you'll get wet! Pack a day or two in advance if you can. Meanwhile, purchase or borrow what you don't have ahead of time.

Medications Bag 

For now, pack sunblock, motion sickness tablets, OTC medications for pain and allergies and bandaids. Remember to pack your chronic medication the night before you depart. 

Nitty-Gritty Items

There are plenty of whales, seals, porpoises, seals, and sea lions in Victoria, BC, so binoculars are a must. Keep Ziplock bags handy for valuables, tech devices, and documentation. For food and beverages, as well as storing your catch, cooler bags are essential. You will probably dehydrate faster on the water, so pack extra drinking water. 

The only thing left to do before the day of departure is to confirm the departure place and time with your fishing charter guide. Depending on weather conditions and possible marina renovations, a lot can change, so it's best to get an update the day before.

At Chase Fishing Charters, we are passionate about sharing the best fishing tours in Victoria, BC. Let us guide you in choosing the perfect excursion and preparing for a memorable time on our rich waters. Make your fishing adventure a reality by giving us a call.

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Victoria, BC, Canada


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